Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey

Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey

Penis enlargement cost in Turkey, also known as Penoplasty, varies based on the type of procedure. For example, one can opt for either lengthening or (girth enhancement) of the penis or both in the same surgery. The choice is based on the patient’s desires and needs, with each procedure having a different price. Additionally, the cost depends on factors such as the location and quality of the hospital, as well as the surgeon’s experience.

Penis Enlargement Surgery in Turkey

This surgery is made possible by advanced technologies and specialized doctors. The surgery aims to modify the length and girth of the penis. Before the procedure, a necessary examination is performed, and the patient can choose either one or both options. General anesthesia is used during the surgery. The procedure involves releasing the penile ligament to increase length by 1–3 cm, and fat is then extracted from the abdomen or thigh using liposuction. The extracted fat is injected around the penis to increase girth by 2–3 cm. These measurements are considered ideal for achieving healthy and effective results.

After the surgery, the patient must stay in the hospital for one night. Patients outside Istanbul are recommended to stay in the city for 5–6 days to visit the doctor for a follow-up examination. The lengthening achieved through surgery is permanent, and although some of the injected fat dissolves over time, around 40–50% remains permanent for life.

Penis Enlargement Methods:

Penis Enlargement Surgery in Turkey:

This method provides lifelong results and is the most preferred option. The penis length increases by 1–3 cm, and its circumference by 2–3 cm. Results are visible during an erection. There are two types of surgery:

  • Penis-lengthening surgery: €2,500
  • Penis Fat injection for girth enhancement: €2,500
  • If both options are performed in the same operation, the cost is €3,500.

Non-Surgical Penis Enlargement in Turkey:

It is done using plasma obtained from the patient’s blood. This plasma is turned into a gel. It is only used for penile thickening. Penis-lengthening can only be achieved through surgery. The price here varies depending on the amount of gel to be injected.

Additionally, non-surgical penis girth enhancement can be done with a filler produced explicitly for the penis. The price varies depending on the number of cubic centimeters used. In Turkey, the cost of non-surgical penile girth enhancement ranges between 1,500 – 2,500 euros on average.

What to Do Before and After Penis Enlargement Surgery?

Before the procedure:

  • Complete examinations and tests are conducted.
  • If you have any known diseases, they must be shared with the doctor.
  • Comfortable clothing should be preferred.

After the procedure:

  • You must regularly use the medications prescribed by the doctor.
  • After one week, the patient begins massage therapy as the doctor prescribes, and it should continue for one month.
  • Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 30 days.
  • Since dissolvable stitches are used, they will dissolve over time, but the patient must take care of the wound after the surgery.

Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey in Istanbul

Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey in Istanbul varies depending on several factors, such as the doctor’s expertise, the hospital’s conditions, the technique used, and the amount of gel or filler used for non-surgical penis enlargement. Istanbul is home to many hospitals and clinics. Choosing the best clinic requires good research. Well-chosen conditions also ensure excellent results. You can contact our team to find the most suitable hospitals and packages.

Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey

The Best Penis Enlargement Doctor in Turkey

Many specialists in different fields exist in Istanbul, Turkey. To perform penis enlargement surgery, there must be a urologist or a plastic surgeon. Doctors from other specialties cannot perform this surgery. To get the best results, it’s essential to research the doctor’s experience and background. The specialist’s expertise and the hospital’s sterilization conditions are critical factors. We are happy to serve you with our expert urologists and plastic surgeons at Turk Aesthetic.

Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey 2024

In 2024, penis enlargement cost in Turkey varies from one hospital to another, depending on the type of procedure and the package offered. When comparing the prices of penile enlargement between Europe and Turkey, the prices in Turkey are much more affordable. In Europe, penis enlargement cost ranges between €8,000 – €10,000. Penis enlargement cost in Turkey ranges between €3,500 – €4,500.

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FAQ – Penis Enlargement Cost in Turkey

How many centimeters will my penis increase in length and girth after Penis Enlargement Surgery in Istanbul?

After surgery, penis length increases by 1–3 cm and penis circumference by 2–3 cm.

Is penis enlargement and girth enhancement permanent for life?

Penis lengthening is permanent. However, some of the fat injected to widen the penis dissolves over time, with 40–50% remaining permanent for life.

What is the penis enlargement cost in Turkey?

Penis enlargement cost in Turkey, Istanbul ranges between 3500 – 4500 Euros.

Can the penis be enlarged using creams or vacuum devices?

Using such methods can be harmful to men. It is highly recommended to consult a doctor first.

What is the cost of non-surgical Penis enlargement?

This price varies from person to person. According to the person’s needs, the amount of plasma taken from the patient’s blood and the amount of filler injected are also important. The average price of non-surgical penis girth enhancement is between 1500 – 2500 euros.

When will the results of Penis enlargement surgery become noticeable?

The results of penis lengthening and girth enhancement are visible immediately after the procedure. However, changes in penis length can only be observed during erection.

How much girth can be gained from non-surgical Penis girth enhancement?

Girth enhancement can be %50 on average.

How long does penis enlargement and Girth enhancement surgery last?

If performed surgically, the procedure takes about 1–2 hours under general anesthesia, and the patient needs to stay in the hospital for one night. Non-surgical penis enlargement takes 15–20 minutes under local anesthesia and is done in the clinic. After the procedure, the patient can return to daily activities.

For more information about Penis Enlargement cost in Turkey, contact us directly through the link to the Turk Aesthetic in Istanbul, Turkey.
