Category: Cosmetic Dentistry in Istanbul

Dental Crown And Dental Bridge

Dental Crown And Dental Bridge

Dental Crown And Dental Bridge, both procedures seek to improve oral functioning and aesthetics while keeping teeth healthy. When it comes to repairing damaged or missing teeth, dental crowns, and bridges are two essential treatments in modern dentistry. Patients seeking dental care should understand the differences between dental crowns and

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants in Turkey

Pros and Cons of Dental Implants in Turkey

Pros and cons of dental implants in Turkey, Dental implants are artificial tooth roots composed of titanium implanted into the jawbone beneath the gums. Once implanted, they provide a secure foundation for custom-made replacement teeth that match the patient’s original teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Dental implants have transformed

Metal Porcelain Crowns in Turkey

Metal Porcelain Crowns in Turkey

Metal porcelain crowns in Turkey, also known as porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns, are dental prosthetics that restore the appearance, strength, and function of a broken or sick tooth. These crowns are made of a metal substructure covered in a coating of tooth-colored porcelain, which provides both durability and attractiveness.  Turkey has

All On 6 Dental implant in Turkey

All On 6 Dental implant in Turkey

The All On 6 dental implant in Turkey is a groundbreaking method for restoring a full arch of teeth with only six dental implants per jaw. This method’s long-term solution is intended for patients with severe dental issues or considerable tooth loss. A complete arch prosthetic is firmly attached by carefully putting six implants

Gum Depigmentation in Turkey

Gum Depigmentation in Turkey

Gum depigmentation in Turkey, also known as gum bleaching or gingival depigmentation, is a cosmetic dental procedure that removes dark spots or patches from the gums, resulting in a more uniform and attractive smile. Gum depigmentation is a non-invasive cosmetic dental technique that removes hyperpigmentation or dark areas from the

Teeth Reshaping in Turkey

Teeth Reshaping in Turkey

Teeth reshaping in Turkey, also known as dental contouring or Enameloplasty,  is a cosmetic dental procedure that improves the appearance of teeth by changing their form, length, or surface. It is frequently used to correct imperfections such as uneven teeth, microscopic chips or cracks, or abnormal tooth form. This non-invasive

Gum Graft in Turkey

Gum Graft in Turkey

Gum Graft in Turkey is a dental procedure that heals receding gums by adding tissue to the affected areas. This procedure is vital for restoring the aesthetics and functionality of the gums and preventing future gum recession and tooth loss. Gum recession occurs when the gum tissue around the teeth

All on 8 Dental implants in Turkey 

All on 8 Dental Implants in Turkey 

All On 8 dental implants in Turkey, also known as full-arch fixed implant bridges, require placing eight dental implants in each dental arch to support a fixed teeth bridge. This procedure offers a solid and long-lasting option for patients suffering from severe tooth loss or seeking an alternative to traditional dentures. Missing teeth

Sinus Lift in Turkey

Sinus Lift in Turkey

Sinus Lift in Turkey, also known as sinus augmentation, is a dental procedure that involves increasing bone in the upper jaw near the molars and premolar teeth. This procedure is widely used when the posterior maxilla has insufficient bone height, usually due to bone loss caused by tooth loss or

Cosmetic Dentistry in Istanbul

Cosmetic dentistry in Istanbul includes various cosmetic procedures related to dentistry such as Hollywood smile, dental veneers, dental lumineers and dental implants, in addition to dental crowns. It also includes whitening and laser teeth cleaning.