Abortion in Turkey Istanbul


Abortion in Turkey Istanbul is a procedure that many pregnant women resort to if they do not want to become pregnant due to personal or health conditions. The process is a medical procedure that aims to get rid of the fetus due to improper growth or because of an unhealthy pregnancy or for reasons through many medical techniques that we will mention during the article in the following lines.

Operation duration15 minuets
Return to daily activityAfter 1 hour
Return to Hard activitiesAfter 7 days
Sexual intercourseAfter 15 days
Things to considerPregnancy duration 5 – 9 weeks
Turk Aesthetic Cost900 euro
Abortion in Turkey
Abortion in Turkey

How Abortion is Done?

After a period of no more than 10 weeks after conception, any woman can think about having an abortion by consulting a doctor according to the law in the Republic of Turkey. The procedure can be done according to the option of surgery and with the help of medications that may help soften the uterine wall and facilitate contractions. The is done by local anesthesia and for a period of time not exceeding 45 minutes.

abortion in turkey
abortion in turkey

Eligible women for abortion in Turkey?

  • Married or single women over the age of 18.
  • Pregnancy period should not exceed 9 weeks.
  • Women who have had blood and urine tests positive for an abortion.
  • Persons diagnosed with pregnancy by ultrasound and examination.
  • People under the age of 18 can have an abortion with parental consent.
  • If those under the age of 18 have reached a certain stage of pregnancy, but the heart cannot tolerate pregnancy, it is done exclusively with the consent of the guardians.
  • In cases where there is a baby sac it is called an empty pregnancy and there is no baby in it.
  • Incomplete pregnancies.
  • Women who use certain medicines that may cause fetal abnormalities, such as Roaccutane.

Who Perform abortion in Turkey

This procedure is performed by obstetricians or gynecologists. At the same time the place should be in suitable conditions and a sterile environment. And based on what was mentioned, abortion can be done in the doctor’s office or in the hospital, and it is preferable to be the second option.

The legal age for an abortion in Turkey according to Turkish law

There is a specific law in the Turkish Republic related to the procedure according to Turkish law. According to the laws, a pregnancy that does not exceed nine weeks can have an abortion in Turkey. For people over nine weeks this procedure is considered illegal. Persons over the age of 18 who are unmarried can have an abortion according to their personal desire. As for married people over 18 years of age, they can perform an abortion, provided that the woman and the husband give their personal consent.

As for people who are under the age of 18, they can perform it, provided that the parents agree, even if they are married, and they only need the consent of the parents to perform this procedure. As for people who have not reached the age of 15, legal references are used to discuss the case and know its details.

abortion in turkey
abortion in turkey

Pregnancy Symptoms

  • Delaying menstruation, every woman has a unique menstrual cycle. Under normal circumstances, up to 21-35 days between two menstrual cycles is considered normal.
  • Delaying your period for more than 35 days can be a sign of pregnancy.
  • Symptoms may also be conditions such as irregular bleeding, prolonged bleeding, or the absence of menstruation.
  • If a person has nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc., with a late period.
  • If you suffer from pain in the chest area.
  • Increased fatigue and drowsiness.
  • The emergence of some kind of sensitivity to a smell or taste.
  • If emotional fluctuations are high, it may be a sign of pregnancy.
abortion in turkey
abortion in turkey

Types of abortion in Turkey

The type of abortion varies according to the condition of woman pregnant, we will discuss the types in detail.

1- Complete: The doctor is resorted to to ensure that the spontaneous abortion has taken place in its complete form, to check on the health condition of the aborted woman. Ths case is equivalent to the case of labor during childbirth so that some bleeding can be observed during the expulsion of the fetus.

2- Incomplete: During this type, some tissues remain in the uterus after the fetus is expelled, so the woman resorts to getting rid of these tissues at the doctor to avoid any complications. In the case of incomplete abortion, the woman may feel bleeding, some cramps, and pain in the lower abdomen, which is an automatic reaction of the human body to reject any foreign body inside.

3- Confirmed: This type tends to the state of pregnancy, is it still present or no longer, and this is by noticing some symptoms such as sudden severe bleeding and pain, meaning that the pregnancy is no longer present.

4- Unconfirmed: compared to the previous type and tends to the state of pregnancy as well. Is it confirmed or not, but it may be fake and the pregnancy may continue without any problems. Symptoms of this type are similar to the previous type as bleeding, but simple. Symptoms may last for a period of time (about a week) and may end with an actual miscarriage as well.

5- Due to infection: Pregnancy fails in this type of abortion due to exposure to infection or infection that may have preceded abortion due to bleeding or a bacterial cause. The woman in this type suffers from high body temperature and lower abdominal pain, in addition to bleeding with a fetid smell.

6- Periodic: The woman has previously had an abortion during the same period of pregnancy and for a repeated period, it may be due to the woman’s body structure or taking pregnancy-inhibiting medications or for other reasons.

7- False pregnancy: the fetus may not exist at all, or the fetus may die during pregnancy, which requires the intervention of abortion to get rid of the fetus.

Cases Require Abortion in Turkey

Abortion in Turkey is not a process to terminate a pregnancy only, it can be used to extract a dead fetus and in some cases it is used to treat and diagnose the uterus. You can read more details about abortion methods in the following paragraphs:

This method is used to diagnose and treat irregular uterine bleeding, or if there is a thickening of the uterus, it can be treated in this way. Where the samples are then sent to the competent department for diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

This technique is used if bleeding occurs outside the menstrual cycle. Where a biopsy is taken from the cervix to determine the location and cause of the bleeding.

This technique is used in the event that there are traces of the fetus inside the uterus after an abortion that may cause disease, infection or bleeding.

Sometimes the placenta membrane accompanying the fetus or part of the umbilical cord remains after birth, as it is better to remove it and clean it in this case, as not removing it may lead to infection or bleeding.

Abortion by vacuum aspiration in Turkey Istanbul

Abortion by vacuum aspiration is one of the methods used in cases of unwanted pregnancies, and the most preferred method is vacuum abortion. It is preferred by both obstetricians and patients because it is more comfortable and less risky than other methods. The recovery period after the procedure is short. Pregnancy of 6-10 weeks can be taken in this way.

After the patient is appropriately positioned and the vagina sterilized, the uterine opening is sufficiently expanded with a speculum and then thin plastic tubes called cannulas are inserted, to terminate the unwanted pregnancy by aspiration method thanks to the negative pressure.

Vacuum Advantages 

It is considered the most preferred method of pregnancy termination due to its many advantages:

  • Less dangerous.
  • Very little bleeding after the operation.
  • There is no risk of infection.

Anesthesia types for abortion in Turkey

The most common questions are will I feel pain during the operation or not, and the answer is, of course, the patient does not feel any pain during the operation thanks to the anesthesia. In abortion, two types of anesthesia are used:

Temporary partial anaesthesia: the patient feels sleepy during the operation and is temporarily unconscious and does not feel pain during the procedure despite his feeling around him, this feeling lasts for about 30 minutes and then gradually returns to consciousness while the place of the procedure remains anesthetized. The patient does not remember anything after returning to consciousness, after which the patient can leave the hospital immediately after the end of the procedure. The cost of this type of anesthesia is low compared to the second type (full anesthesia).

Full body anesthesia: During the procedure, the patient is asleep and does not feel anything until the end of the operation. This type of anesthesia is considered high cost, and the patient cannot leave the hospital after the procedure until the next day.

Both types of anesthesia, the patient must fast before the operation for about 6-8 hours so that he does not feel nausea or fullness of the stomach and discomfort after waking up after the procedure.

abortion in turkey
abortion in turkey

Abortion in Turkey steps

The type of abortion in Turkey varies according to the condition of woman pregnant, we will discuss the types in detail.

Total Time: 15 minutes

Before Abortion in Turkey

The woman should take a break from eating and drinking at least six hours before the operation.
Pregnancy checks and general health checks are performed.
Whether a person is suitable for an abortion is examined in detail by ultrasound and examination.
Another important factor is; The patient is asked to inform the doctor about the medicines he uses, whether he suffers from allergies and any chronic diseases.
Harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol should be suspended 6 hours in advance.
After arriving at the hospital, identification information is taken, necessary procedures are performed and prepared for the procedure. In this process, all information is kept confidential.
You must prepare psychologically and choose clothes in which they are comfortable.

During Abortion in Turkey

The person is put on the apron and taken to the gynecological table.
To prevent infections, the vagina is first sterilized.
The speculum is inserted and the vagina is fixed.
In order to open the cervix, it is enlarged with instruments called a bogie.
A plastic cannula with perforated ends is attached to the uterus.
A vacuum is placed on the outer end of the cannula, and the uterus is completely cleaned from the inside thanks to the resulting negative pressure.
The cannula is removed and examined with ultrasound.
The speculum is removed and the abortion is terminated.

After Abortion in Turkey

If the person has been subjected to general or local anesthesia, the patient is woken up and then taken to the room prepared for him on a stretcher. He is expected to recover in about an hour. After he regains consciousness, he can go home and there is no need to stay in the hospital. Painkillers and antibiotics are given intravenously during the procedure. When the patient regains consciousness, he does not feel any pain.
If local anesthesia is applied, he can go home after resting for 15-20 minutes after the operation, antibiotics and analgesics are prescribed to the patient.

Estimated Cost: 900 EUR

Before and After the abortion in Turkey Istanbul

Before the procedure, the doctor performs an ultrasound examination of the woman and obtains information about the state of the pregnancy and the week of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is from 4 to 5 weeks, then the gestational sac is visible. The gestational sac is the environment in which the baby grows and fills with amniotic fluid. This bag containing the baby is taken for abortion.

abortion in turkey
abortion in turkey

Post-Abortion Advices

  • Pay attention to cleaning the vagina.
  • Monitor bleeding with clean bandages.
  • Shower, but vaginal douche should not be used.
  • Sexual intercourse should stop for two weeks.
  • Regularly use the medications provided by the doctor, and in the event of an unexpected situation, you should consult a doctor.
  • Rest the first day if possible.
  • Menstruation begins 4-6 weeks after the miscarriage.
  • Tampons should not be used.

Side effects of abortion in Turkey

  • There may be light bleeding after the miscarriage.
  • Infection may occur if hygiene is not observed.
  • Pain may be felt after the effect of anesthesia wears off after the operation.
  • Nausea and fatigue may occur.
  • You should see your doctor after the procedure in the following cases:
  • If the fever is above 38 degrees.
  • If the pain does not go away despite taking painkillers and antibiotics.
  • Having a foul-smelling discharge after an abortion in Turkey.
  • Heavy and persistent bleeding.

There may be very rare risks thanks to the technological development, especially the use of voiding abortion, and the risks of this technique are rare. The number of weeks of pregnancy and whether the operation is carried out under sterile conditions and in the presence of specialized doctors is taken into account.

Infection may occur due to the lack of complete sterilization in the hospital environment. If the woman uses the medicines given by the doctor regularly after the operation and adheres to the instructions after the procedure, this does not pose any danger.


Signs of an Incomplete abortion in Turkey

There are some signs that indicate that the procedure was not successful, including:

  • Heavy bleeding after the operation.
  • Persistence of pregnancy symptoms and absence of menstruation after 30-40 days.
  • High levels in the hormone tests that are done right after the procedure, and it takes about a month for these levels to go down, the hormone levels should go down and the pregnancy tests should be negative.

The appearance of a gestational sac (but with the intervention of ultrasound examination) this symptom can be avoided.

Sex after abortion in Turkey

During the operation, the cervix enlarges and the entry of bacteria and microbes into the uterus becomes easier and is prone to infection, so intercourse should not take place for two weeks after the procedure until full recovery.

First Time Abortion 

A woman who wants to terminate a pregnancy can undergo an abortion, whether it is the first pregnancy or the last one. It is a misunderstood fact that abortion in the first pregnancy is harmful. And for correction it does not matter if it is the first or last pregnancy, the important thing is to be a specialized obstetrician and to be in sterile conditions in a hospital environment. After that, the uterus recovers and pregnancy can take place again with the formation of the egg.

Abortion in Turkey Istanbul

Istanbul is a very developed city in terms of health. Whether outside or outside the city, many people prefer Istanbul not only in terms of tourism and entertainment, but also in terms of health. As Turk Aesthetic, we provide the best service to our patients by working with the most successful doctors and the best hospitals.

Abortion Cost in Turkey Istanbul

Prices for abortion procedures for unintended pregnancy or for conditions such as uterine cleaning such as uterine fibroids and cysts and sampling vary from country to country and city to city. At left static the price is 900 euro.

FAQ – Abortion in Turkey

Is abortion legal in Turkey?

in Turkey takes place within certain legal restrictions. In Turkey, this operation can be performed during pregnancy for a period not exceeding 10 weeks.

Is herbal solution possible instead of Abortion in Turkey?

This procedure should be performed by specialized obstetricians in a hospital environment and under sterile conditions, otherwise life-threatening situations may occur.

Can abortion in Turkey happen with pills?

These pills are banned in Turkey and some countries because they contain substances that threaten health.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an Abortion in Turkey?

Recovery times for people after the procedure vary. Complete recovery is achieved on average in 2-3 weeks and pregnancy will be possible when the egg is formed.

Early abortion when can it be done?

In order to take the baby, the gestational sac must be visible on the ultrasound scan, the fetus must be in the mother’s womb and have completed the 4-week process.

Is abortion necessary after pregnancy (miscarriage)?

The gynecologist examines the woman. If there are remnants of pregnancy, such as tissue stuck in the uterus, an abortion is necessary, but if the uterus is completely clean, there is no need for abortion in Turkey.

Will it be found later that I had an abortion?

After a while, the uterus completely heals and tissue regeneration occurs. During the examination, the doctor does not show that the woman has miscarried before.

Will there be pain after an abortion?

On the day of the procedure, the woman may feel some cramping and mild pain such as menstrual cramps, but these mild pains are relieved with medication prescribed by the doctor.

Is a suction abortion in Turkey painful?

The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. Women mostly prefer general anesthesia, so they do not feel any pain during the procedure.

Is abortion in Turkey a surgical suture?

Whether it is suction or other methods, sutures are not made because there is no incision during the operation.

How long after termination of pregnancy does menstruation occur?

After the operation, the uterus recovers and cell renewal begins. After this process, the formation of eggs continues. Menstruation appears 30-40 days after the operation. If there is a further delay, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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